Hope. Intelligence. Purpose. Heart. Originality. Pride ©

To create a space of community restoration through amplifying the voices of our community


“Revolution of values” practiced in order to put an end to misogyny, materialism, violence, and anti-intellectualism promoted in internationally popular commercial hip hop

Hip Hop primary creative driving force to educate the masses of our youth

H.I.P H.O.P Initiative challenge?



We honor the legacy of the radical grassroots activism of US Civil Rights Movement icons Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We honor the life and fight of African revolutionary theorist Amilcar Cabral, architect of the Liberation of Guinea Bissau and Cabo Verde and the many men and women who fought beside him. Their weapons were theory, nonviolent direct action, or armed revolution. Our revolution is now. Our weapon is hip hop.